Thursday, August 7, 2008

What is all the Hype About?

I have been wondering for the last little while, "What is all the hype about Stephanie Meyer's books?" All the while I have been getting a hard time from sister in laws and anyone else who found out that I haven't read them. Whenever I saw someone put it on their blog I thought how trendy. Well Heidi let me borrow Twilight and I started reading it.... In fact I can't put it down and now I constantly think about Edward. So thanks Heidi and I just want to say I have joined the Bandwagon.


Misty said...

Proud that you are reading. Just to warn you, New Moon (2nd book) is a little hard to get through the 1st 1/2, but keep reading, it is worth it!

Moto X Mama said...

I know im going to get beat down by an angry mob of women for saying this but I Can Not Stand The Books...there I said it.

Ashley McKinnon said...

I like Moto x Mama. I agree, but then again...I am not a reader.

Fyfe Family said...

Of course you've joined the band wagon! How can you not? They are excellent. I'm glad you came around.

Kent and Heidi said...

I knew you would thank me some day!!